Let's 'Schwab-proof' your community

From the desk of the man known as paul

“Sometimes crisis alone, without any preparatory training, is sufficient to make a man forget to be his customary self and become, for the time being, something quite different. Thus the most unlikely people will, under the influence of disaster, temporarily turn into heroes, martyrs, selfless labourers for the good of their fellows.”
– Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy

I don’t have to tell you how severely your nation has fallen.

People don’t come to my website because everything is hunky-dory.

They come here because they want to learn what it takes to live a life free of tyranny.

But this page is different.

I’m not ranting on a video, I’m not insulting politicians, nor am I going to be long-winded in philosophy.

This page is for people who want to join a nation builder’s guild; a group of people who work together to help strengthen their communities.

My intention for this page is simple:

  • I’ll give you some basic action steps that you and your community can implement today.
  • You feel inspired to gather your community for a meeting
  • You’ll invite me to attend that meeting and provide some further guidance.

So let’s start off with the basics.

Form your ministries.

Some people call these committees, some people call them groups. I’ve heard the word tribes. It doesn’t really matter. No matter what you call it, this is a group of people who want to see their communities have an environment that supports their fullest potential.

“Ok. How do we set up our ministry?”

People overthink this, expecting a list of prerequisites and criteria, complete with the paperwork for people to sign in order to make it all official.

I say, “What aspect of your community do you value most?”

They’ll say something like, “My kids’ education.”

No matter what they say, I reply “Awesome,” and I turn to the room and ask if there’s anyone else who values the same. There’s always at least one. Then I ask, “Would you be willing to work with [the first questioner] on that?” I haven’t had someone say no yet.

Then I address the entire room and say, “This community now has a ministry of education.”

It’s that simple. The biggest mistake communities could make at this foundational stage is overthink things.

So, action step Numero Uno: Form a ministry for every aspect of your community that you feel is vital.

  • agriculture
  • energy
  • education
  • judicial
  • constitutional
  • preparedness
  • administration
  • media (journalism)

Cool little tip: People can be a part of more than one ministry. If there is something you value, it’s likely important for you to be a part of the ministry that supports that value.

Once you have a ministry formed, just commit to meeting regularly. It doesn’t have to happen every week. This could be monthly, biweekly, or weekly…

If you’re not sure, pick one. Test it out. If the meetings are either boring or exhausting, adjust as necessary.

On to the next step:

Form guilds.

These differ from ministries. Guilds are where the work is actually being done day in, day out. These are the tradesmen and their apprentices who keep our homes warm and . These are the healers and their helpers. These are the investigative journalists, people who help them produce videos, and the media outlets like newspapers.

Guilds are teams. They’re working towards the common goal of adding to their communities.

The guilds might be named the same as the ministries (Educator’s Guild/Ministry of Education), but you might also find that you’ll have your community’s tech-savvy folks form a guild for a decentralized internet service. Let’s call it a communications guild. There would be IT specialists, web designers, programmers, and cyber-security. Being a guild, they would work together to secure a safe and secure internet for their community. Maybe there’s a ministry for the Internet, but likely such a ministry would be for all media, especially for communities that are just starting out.

Now, there’s something important to remember. Guilds do the work. Ministries coordinate the people, places, and things necessary to support the guilds – and only when assistance is requested. Example: if someone in the community is having a hard time finding customers to purchase their bath bombs, they likely need a guild. They could go to a ministry of commerce to receive the information on the best markets and trade shows where people in a health and beauty guild find their success.

Bonus for those who work in an administrative guild: they could likely contract those in the communications guild to build an online directory. This way, the ministry would be able to leverage technology to make the entire community more efficient. Or, they might consult someone in a business services guild to help automate this entire process.

Guilds meet as well. Their meetings are to discuss the goals of their businesses in relation to the community thriving. Their ‘office’ (I like to call it the secretariat) takes those needs and wants to their related ministries.

As you can probably tell, there’s a lot more to community building; but these are the first steps. Now if you’re looking for more, I’m offering to meet with your community and help them get to the next level.